Friday, January 29, 2010


I find hope in this song right now...

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Every morning on the way to work, I try to resist the temptation of the road that leads to Starbucks....But there are just some most mornings that I want NEED my Zen! 

This morning was one of them. My justification(today) is that Thursday = almost Friday and that little bit of umph is exactly what I need to to get me through the day. So I did it!  I took that turn and followed the yellow brick road to recieve my "simply, delicious, feel good" order of "Grande Iced Green Tea" which is $2.10.  So I starting doing the math...if I get Starbucks every morning during the work week to "just get me through" I will spend $10.50, which is then $42.00 a week, which is whopping $504.00 a year!!!  Oh Lord, my husband would just croak!!  I know I could just buy Tazo Zen Tea and brew me a cup of at home, but its so much better when you get it at Starbucks! It taste better, the cups are cute(expecially during the holiday) and it gives me a warm and fuzzy feeling that I dont get when I make it at home. It keeps me sane.  However, In order to save my marriage over this huge expense, I will find the strength to keep my simple pleasure to a minimum of 2 maybe 3 times a week!


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Back to School

Im so proud of my husband...this year he decided to go back to school! Jason was in school years back with a year left, but life happened and he ended up putting it hold. The month before all of this happened, Jason and I met through mutual friends and later ended up getting married. I know God orchestrated all of this for his purpose and Im thankful for that. But this is something that has been hanging over his head and will be such a burden lifted when he does finish.

So in November 2009 we up and moved from Austin, TX to a little cottage(where I could feel halfway content) on the outskirts of "college town" back at my Alumni...FSU! He is attending school full time and I am working full time.  I got the job the week we moved and its an answered prayer! I have been trying to combine at-risk(low income) children and the classroom. This job allows me to oversee this process by training adults who are teachers or directors of VPK, child care centers to better the quality of their program that are geared towards these children. I hope to make an impact in the life of at least one child, one teacher, or one center. I do admit, however, that it's pretty weird not having my husband work and bring home the bacon! But we agreed it would be better for him to just get DONE.  So I am proud to say that right now I am officially a "Sugar Mama!"   
Today was Jason's first exam back in college. He has been reading and working so hard...I thinks its kinda HOTT!  Not that I expected him to be out partying and joining a Frat but its just a different chapter that I havent ever seen him in. I guess being older and wiser will have its benefits this time around.  This chapter is sweet to be in...we are still young and able to "go back to school" if needed and thats fun..adventurous!  I am embracing this time in our lives and one day it will be a great story to tell our kids. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What is Your Happy?

I was driving to work yesterday and happen to glance at a billboard that read:
"What is Your Happy?"...."Freedom". Now granted the advertisement was for driving a particular vehicle, but it really grabbed my attention and I got to thinking...what is MY happy?
My mom and sister came into town just for the weekend and we had the best time. No kids around, no husbands, just us girls! We laughed and laughed and shopped and laughed! There is something about sisters, about moms that always brings you home...centered. It was great therapy that was much needed......And that was HAPPY to me.  
2 Corinthians 3:17
"Now the Lord is the Spirit,
and where the Spirit of the Lord is,
there is freedom."
There was a time in my life where I was in debt and when I met my husband everything changed! He taught me how to get on a budget. How to cut out things that werent necessary spendings and he taught me how to save. I am thankful for him and praise God that I am no longer in debt. However, he is on me like white on rice about when I actually do spend money on things that we definitely could have lived without. I admit there are things that I really dont need in order to add to my wardrobe or things that I really dont need for the house, but they make me feel good. The make my home feel cozier to me or my wardrobe feel more "me."
Like this purchase:
This dessert dome completes a little nook in my kitchen and will be perfect for little pastries or cookies that I make! So when I got home from shopping with my mom and sister, I pulled this out of the bag and set it out on the counter. I immediately put the banana bread I had wrapped up on the counter in this dessert dome. I then got my husband's attention and said, "Babe, this makes me HAPPY." He smiled and said, "well good Ashley, Im so glad."
 Romans 8:21
 "...that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."
These things do make me happy, but when I think back on that billboard I realize freedom would be the ultimate happiness. Freedom from insecurity, debt, abuse, food, (fill in the blank____). This advertisement is exactly right...everyone could probably think of something in there life that if they felt freedom ...they would feel happy.
Galatians 5:1
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be
burdened again by a yoke of slavery."

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Carolina in my Mind...

Oh how I wish I was there.......
I am raised a Florida Beach girl. However, since I was little I always said I would marry a man and he would take me away to the Carolinas. Well, I got the idea right! Jason LOVES the Carolinas just as much as me.  So what's the problem???
Obstacles....And more obstacles....
But ONE day I tell ya..... We will get there! Somewhere off the beaten path in a quaint cottage or cabin surrounded by trees of all different colors. Somewhere we can raise our family. Somewhere peaceful. A place I will call home. A place guests will want to come.....and snuggle up by the fire with vintage quilts,look at family photos, sing to James Taylor, smell yummy candles and homemade food baking in the oven. A place to sit, have tea.....and just be.....One day. Soon.
God says in Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the plans I have for you," "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
He's got it all planned out! Praise the Lord and Pass the Peas!! I dont have to worry! Where I am now is exactly where God wants me to be. He has a purpose for me here. For however long...this IS where I am suppose to be. God also says in Psalm 37:4
"Delight yourself in the LORD and
he will give you the desires of your heart."
The Lord knows I am adventurous and He has blessed me with being able to be that, live that. I am so thankful for where he has placed me. But Lord I am ready to nest. In this time, I pray that I can be content here and not miss an opportunity because I ultimately want more....
I delight in you...I want more of you, less of me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

New Year's Resolution

I know I'm alittle late to making a New Year's Resolution, but I had to build up the courage to actually do enter the blog world. And here I am, 20 days after the new year. Not too shabby! I have been wanting to share this crazy and adventurous life of mine with you. I have been wanting to share my thoughts, prayers, and creative outlets too. So I hope that you will embrace me as I enter this scary, but fun journey!

Blogging isn't my only New Year's Resolution....I have many, but I will call them goals!
1) I just started a book club and I want to be able to read 1 book a month...and actually do it!

2) I want to run in my first 1/2 marathon.

3) I want to grow my hair out LONG...and not be tempted to cut it!

4) I want to break the chains of insecurity.

5) I want to be content...happy...for ME...and for my husband.

These white peonies make me happy!

What are your goals this year? Are you challenging yourself?
"Above all, challenge yourself. You may well surprise yourself at what strengthsyou have, what you can accomplish.."
Cecile Springer

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe. "
Anatole France