Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Good Mood

I am in a good mood today! Ya know why??
Tonight is the season finale of...

Its more than a good mood though.
Its planning my day leading up to this big event.
It will start with my morning green tea(those of you who know me, know that I switch back and forth between green tea and coffee in the mornings but I have to have one or the other)
Right now its particularly a green tea season!
Okay so then I head to work(which if I could choose, would not be part of the plan
but Im a money- maker so away I go for 8 hours)

After work is when the excitement starts to build...
I will hurry home, change into my running clothes and head for the trail for a high paced--Jamming to my new iTunes songs--"I need water now"--
my knees are going to collapse on me---kind of run.
Which I somehow find exhilarting!
(Note: This is not me)

After I consume large amounts of water, I will start prepping for supper!
A favorite meal is a must for this kind of night, but that would be tacos for us and we already had "Taco Tuesday". So I will have to reach into my recipe noggin and come up with something else......
Aha! Enchiladas!
Which I've never made before and might not be a good night to test a recipe, but I will try anyways. I am going to trust a dear blogger acquaintance of mine and try
 The Busy Budgeting Mama recipe for Enchiladas here.
Alternative Name
When I'm done making the dish, I will light a yummy smelling candle while my husband and I will sit at our little 2-top pub table and enjoy our lavish Mexican meal and I hear him rant and rave about how he doesnt understand the concept of eating out and the money spent when I make such fantastic meals at home! hehehe.
I will then nod and smile as I remove myself from the table and scadadle back into the kitchen to tidy up. 
I will pour me a glass of red wine, grab my phone(because me, my mom, and sister tend to chat throughout the evening discussing the shows) and prop down on the couch as I soak in the thrilling, goodness of ....
Private Practice.



  1. thanks so much for sharing the recipe i posted!! since i posted that...i tried out the pioneer woman's white enchiladas and they are AMAZING. i've made them a few times and they are always a hit! just passing along the goodness. hehe. love your blog! thanks for the blog love on mine :)

  2. you crack me up!! I loved reading this post.
    My husband's favorite meal is tacos so we have it about once a week, and if not it is subsituted with enchiladas! Ha ha
    Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
